

Cheese is the cornerstone supporting our agri-food sector.

This is confirmed by a recent analysis conducted by Pwc, based on data from Ismea, Assolatte and Federalimentare, which indicates that cheese production plays a central and strategic role in the industry.

With a revenue of 13 billion euros in 2023, the sector holds the first place of the Italian food industry’s total turnover, which amounts to 19 billion euros.

The excellent performance in the national market is also reflected at the European level. Italian production accounts for 13% of European production, positioning Italy as the third largest producing country (with 1.2 million tons), after Germany and France.

But the Italian dairy sector does not just dominate the domestic market. The appeal of Italian cheese is also evident in European exports. Out of a total of 61.2 billion euros related to the food industry export, 51% comes from cheese.

On the other hand, in 2023, the Italian dairy sector recorded a positive trade balance of 510 million euros. Exports contributed significantly to this result, with a turnover of 5.44 billion euros.

Over 70% of exports are destined for EU countries, with significant increases in trade with France, Germany, Spain, and Poland.

The Chinese market is also showing growing interest in Italian dairy products, becoming the fifth largest non-European destination for national cheese exports.


The success of the sector undoubtedly lies in its ability to combine innovative optimization of the supply chain with continuous updating from producers and the enhancement of Italian cheesemaking tradition.

The modernization of production chains and the optimization of supply chains have allowed for improved operational efficiency in Italian dairy production, without compromising the typical quality of our cheeses.

Companies like Caseificio Ignalat demonstrate how the winning combination of artisanal tradition and technology can meet the increasing demand and address the various challenges associated with international distribution.

Despite their bond with the past, dairy companies invest significantly in updating, in order to respond to changing consumers needs and new food market trends, adopting strategies to diversify their offer.

But the real strength of Italian cheeses is their unmistakable quality. An aspect increasingly highlighted in recent years as a distinctive element and added value, which has allowed for a high level of global appreciation to be maintained.

The enhancement of the quality of raw materials, millennial processing traditions handed down over time and the craftsmanship at the heart of our cheese production has made Italian cheese a symbol of gastronomic excellence recognized worldwide.


The results of the survey by Pwc underline the economic relevance of the dairy sector and reinforce the prestige of Italian production at the gastronomic level.

In this way, Italian dairy excellence continues to generate economic value and international reputation, confirming cheese as a fundamental cornerstone of the Italian agri-food sector.

30th June 2024

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